In addition to the existing Disclaimer at (click here to read),the following disclaimer applies to all content being broadcasted under the URL.

  1. The Right Click Project (henceforth referred to as RCP) does not endorse, promote or actively participate in any of the activities or actions of the various website project it develops. RCP is only affiliate to the Delhi Greens organisation and not to any other organisation, institute or agency.
  2. RCP is not responsible for the content hosted on any website which has been developed by it. Such a responsibility rests with the owner of the individual websites. All websites developed by RCP are duly approved from the individual owners before being made live.
  3. RCP respects copyrights and uses only those templates, themes and online software and code which are released as Open Access material or under the Creative Commons or similar licenses. However, if any person feels that there code has been used unfairly, please write to rightclick(at)delhigreens(dot)org with all necessary links and information.