We offer a comprehensive array of services which will empower you and your organisation or institute by strengthening and promoting your cause through the use of state-of-the-art online tools and techniques.


Following is an overview of the professional services and expertise offered by the Right Click Project:


1. ICT & Web Consultancy

The RCP works with you to help you understand your web and ICT (short for Information Communications Technology) needs better and put your web strategy on the right track.

2. Domain Acquisition and Management

3. Website Development

___i) Domain purchase, protection and renewal
___ii) Green Web Hosting
___iii) Content Development
___iv) Identifying Content Management System
___v) Web Layout & Designing
___vi) Outreach & Social Media Integration

4. Training Workshops

The RCP carries out invited training workshops for NGOs and non-profit groups on the need and use of New & Social Media and web-marketing and webmastering.